The Hispanic Liverpool Community Collection

Burgaña, F. - 4.jpeg
Deogracias Burgaña, libreta de inscripción marítima [Seaman's register book], 1934

Contributed by:

Francisco Burgaña

Date added:

Jul 24, 2015

Document type:

Libreta de inscripción marítima, or seaman's register book

Date of event:

4 August 1934 (issued)
22 March 1920 (born)


Lequeitio (issued; maritime district)
Elanchove (birthplace)

People involved:

Deogracias Burgaña Guzuriaga, father of Francisco Burgaña
José Burgaña, father of Deogracias
Josefa Guzuriaga, mother of Deogracias

This is a seaman's identity book issued by the maritime district of Lequeitio to Deogracias Burgaña. It includes a photograph and detailed physical description of Deogracias, and information about his birthdate, birthplace and parents. He would have carried this with him whenever he went to sea.
