The Hispanic Liverpool Community Collection

Advertising for Francisco de Madariaga's Continental Restaurant (Liverpool, 1938-40)

Contributed by:

Frank Madariaga

Date added:

Jul 24, 2015

Artist's/Creator's name:

Both drawings are signed 'Armengol'. This is Mario Armengol (1909-1995), the Catalan artist who was a friend of the Madariaga family. More information about Armengol.

Date of creation:


Location(s) depicted:

The Continental Restaurant, 11 Paradise Street, Liverpool 1.


Printed artwork advertising the restaurant. Artwork originally in colour. Click here to see images of the originals.

This image contains 3 panels advertising the Continental restaurant. One gives the restaurant's location and telephone number. The other two are illustrations:

1 (top): A woman with castanets in a flowing flamenco costume dances, while a seated man provides clapping accompaniment. A large jarra (jug) sits on a table.

2 (bottom): a man plays guitar, seated alongside a table with a wine bottle and glass.
